How You Can Work With Me

There are three ways to work with me to automate your marketing so that you can generate more leads and turn them into customers on autopilot.

By automating your marketing, you can increase your income and free up your time, so that you can live life on your terms and achieve your dreams.

Get Started  On Your Automation Journey To Achieve The Results And  The Life You Really Want...

Your marketing automation journey with me starts with a Funnel Foundations Call.

The purpose of the call is to discuss where your business is now and where you want it to be and identify The Funnel Roadmap to get you from A to B. 

When it comes to marketing your business, there are three key pieces of information you need to be really clear on:

  • Who you serve
  • What pains and problems they have
  • What results they are looking for 

The reason this is so important is that it informs ALL of your marketing. 

We discuss your perfect client, their pains and problems, the results they want and how your current and future services and/or products solve their problems and deliver the results they want.

I share The Simple 5 Step Formula™ to attracting your perfect client and turning your leads into customers on autopilot and The Funnel Roadmap™ to grow your business from doing everything manually to partly automated to fully automated.  We discuss funnel options you could put in place in your business. 

The outcome of the call is for us to decide which funnel would be best for you to implement first

And then...

There are 3 ways to put this funnel strategy in place in your business:

DO IT YOURSELF (you do it)
DONE WITH YOU (we do it together) 
DONE FOR YOU (I do it)

So, after our call, my question will be... Which one suits you best? 


Want to implement it yourself
but just need some training on
the systems?

I'll train you or your team to use ClickFunnels and/or Keap (previously Infusionsoft) so you can create your own funnels and email marketing campaigns.

By the way, if you prefer to use other systems, we can usethose instead... 


Want to implement it yourself
but need a step-by-stepprocess to follow?

Through a series of videos, I'll show you what to do and how to create your own funnels and email marketing campaigns.

Use my tried and tested templates to set up your pages and your emails.


Want to implement it yourself but may have some questions and need some help on the way? 

Join The Funnel Builders Club to get all your questions answered inside a Private Facebook Group

Get access to my tried and tested templates to build your own funnels inside the training portal.



Want to set up your own funnels and email marketing campaigns?

You've got the time to do it, but you don't know what to do or how to do it or... it's all a bit overwhelming

I'll work step-by-step with you 1:1 or your team to create your first funnel to capture leads on autopilot and turn those leads into paying customers.

We'll use your preferred systems.


Want support to implement your marketing funnel and need a step-by-step process to follow?

I'll coach you on what to do and how to create your own funnels and email marketing campaigns.

Use my tried and tested templates to set up your pages and your emails.

You'll mastermind with and get accountability from me and others in the group over 12 weeks.


Want support to implement your marketing funnel and need some further support after you've launched it to review your results? 

Join The Funnel Builders Academy to get all your questions answered inside a Private Facebook Group

Get access to my tried and tested templates to build your own funnels.

You'll join a monthly Group Q&A session, where I will answer your questions, review work you've done and trouble-shoot issues with you 1:1 on the group call over 12 months. 




Magnetically attract your perfect clients to you and capture their contact details in exchange for something for free which is of value to them and then to encourage them to book a call with you, where you offer your services. 

You will have a fully automated, bespoke funnel in place to attract the right people to you so you can then turn your leads into customers, so you can generate a lot more income and free up your time to focus on growing your business.


Convert your highly qualified leads into high ticket customers, who buy your high ticket 1:1 or group coaching/consulting services or your monthly mastermind or membership programme on autopilot.

You will have a fully automated, bespoke funnel in place to turn your highly qualified leads into high ticket customers, so you can generate a lot more income and free up your time to focus on growing your business


You get everything in The Funnel Builders Academy plus Done For You support

Each month, I'll do some work for you.

Maybe you want me to fully review a landing page, funnel or email campaign you've created

Possibly you want me to set up a Landing Page or an email campaign for you

Perhaps you want me to review your data and let you know what is working and what needs tweaking to optimise the results you're getting from your funnels.



© Copyright 2021-2023 Sarah Cox Marketing