Hi, I'm Sarah

The Funnel Builder for service-based entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants who are ready to automate the marketing of their highfive or six  figure business to get...

... more LEADS, more CUSTOMERS, more MONEY and more TIME 

My Journey

I left the corporate world in 2011 to become an entrepreneur.  

I wanted to do something healthy for myself whilst helping other people to be fit and healthy too, so I set up a Pilates and Nutrition business.

I soon discovered there was a lot to setting up a business, which started my journey into the world of online marketing.  

This ignited a passion in me, I didn't even know I had.

Sarah Cox

The Funnel Builder

Since 2012, I have invested 10s of thousands of pounds and thousands of hours in learning the art and science of marketing, sales, funnels and automation from some of the best in the industry - Russell Brunson, Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Rich Schefren in the USA and Nick James, Matt Elwell, Ryan Pinnick, Nigel Botterill, Andy Harrington, Dan Bradbury in the UK.

I increase my knowledge and learn the latest strategies, so that I can pass this onto my clients.

I founded Sarah Cox Marketing for service-based entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants, who already have a business in place with services they already sell and who EITHER already have a CRM/email marketing system but aren't making the most of it OR are thinking about investing in one, so that they can bring in more leads, nurture those leads and convert them into customers.   

In 2017, I had built my business up to the point I could work anywhere as long as I had a laptop, mobile phone and WIFI connection. So I left London, where I had lived for 15 years, to achieve my dream of living by the sea on the South Coast.   

Now, I sit at my desk at home, looking out at the water and watching the boats go by whilst I'm working.

Other than working with my clients, I'm at my happiest when I'm in the sun or the snow, on beaches or up mountains, sunbathing, paddle boarding or skiing.  

What Do I Do?

I work with elite, service-based entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants to attract more highly qualified leads and turn them into high-ticket clients with magnetic, automated funnels.

I love creating funnels that are both profitable and impactful and create time and money freedom in my clients' lives. 

I have seen my clients go from having no-one on their email list to 100s, then 1000s and then 10,000s and making £1000s to many £10,000s to over £100,000 through their funnels.

If you don't have time to build your funnel yourself or don't want to learn how to do it, I'll do all the hard work for you, so that you can focus on growing your business and doing what you do best, such as delivering to your clients.  I set up the pages, steps and emails you need, including the design and writing the copy.  It is bespoke and written in your voice, using your words, so it sounds like you. 

If you have some time and are keen to understand the process and how to do it, even if you don't plan to do it yourself going forwards or if you have a team member, who you want to learn how to do it going forwards, I'll work with you and/or your team to show you step-by-step what to do and how to do it.  You set everything up using my tried and tested templates and I review your work to make sure you have everything you need and the automation works.

As a result, you are able to attract the right people to you and capture the contact details of your perfect clients, so that you can market to your leads and turn your leads into prospects, prospects into paying customers and ultimately, customers into raving fans, who buy from you regularly with ease. 

If you are ready to move from doing everything manually and relying on word of mouth and referrals to get clients and want to grow and scale your business, but aren't sure where to start or what's best to put in place first and want some advice and a strategic plan, I work with you to create your Funnel Strategy and map out a Marketing & Sales Funnel for your specific business and products/services.  I'll recommend the best funnel(s) to put in place based on the stage of business you're at, your business goals and the type of business you have. 

Whatever you want to do, there's a funnel we can put in place for it.

It might be that you want to build your email list by offering a free download or video training. 

Perhaps you want to run a webinar, a workshop or a free challenge.

Possibly you've written a book that you want to promote.

Maybe you want to sell tickets for a paid event, sell your membership or group programme or sell your high ticket 1:1 services. 

And if you don't know what's best to do, that's fine. I'll help you work it out.

Whilst I have preferred systems (ClickFunnels and Keap - love them both and what they are able to do and p.s. I am a Keap Certified Partner and a bit of a nerdy expert in tech), I have used many different systems and we'll work with the systems you have or I'll recommend the best systems for you based on what stage of business you're at. 

There are lots to choose from and I'm experienced with Mailchimp, Get Response, Aweber, Constant Contact, Active Campaign, Leadpages, Kajabi, Wordpress, Mailerlite and GrooveFunnels.  (Don't worry if you haven't heard of half of them or if yours isn't on the list.  I quickly pick up how to use a new system as they all follow similar principles).

How can I help you once your funnel is set up? 

Well, the fun doesn't stop there.  It's just the beginning of your journey.  

The next step is to launch it.  This means getting it out in front of people.   I'll share the different strategies with you so you can decide which one is best for you.  

Once it's launched, it's a continuous process of test, measure, refine, optimise.   I help you review what's working and what needs to be tweaked to deliver even better results over time so that it converts as well as it possibly can. 

I help to make sure your funnels and email marketing campaigns are working correctly and delivering the desired results, and work with you to optimise them to deliver even better results.  I set up and monitor Management Information with you, so we can see how well the funnels and email campaigns are working and converting leads into prospects, prospects into customers and customers into repeat customers.

I speak on stage and to groups of my mentors' and clients' clients to share my philosophy and message with you and enable you to see how automation and systems can help you grow your business and increase your income and free time, in a non-techy, non-overwhelming, easy-to-understand way.  

I'm the "Go To Person" for Nick James' Expert Empires Mastermind Groups, who need support with implementing Nick's expert business growth strategies and for some of my clients' clients who need support with implementing automated sales funnels.

I have spoken on stage in the UK and the Netherlands and at an online conference in the USA and Canada, including at Nick James' Bums On Seats event, Sammy Blindell's Brand Builders Club and Des O Connor's Women in Business Conference. 

Speaking at Nick James' Bums On Seats Bootcamp at the Ilec Conference Centre, Earls Court

In 2020, I became an International, No 1 Amazon Best-Selling Co-author of The Law of Brand Attraction across several business categories in multiple countries.



What's Life Like Before You Work With Me?

You don't have enough people aware of who you are and what you do

You don't have enough people paying you money for your products and services

You don't have enough time to do everything you need to do in your business as it is, let alone set up systems and automation

You know what you need to do to move your business forward but don't know how to do it or are overwhelmed by what you need to do

You aren't making as much money as you want to make

You don't have the freedom to do what you want, when you want, without worrying where the money is coming from to do it


What's Life Like After Working With Me?

You know how to get new leads who are interested in your products and services 

You are capturing the contact details of your leads

You have a database to store the contact details of your leads

You have an automated Marketing Funnel for your products or services, which works for you 24x7

You have freed up your time and don't need to do everything manually any more

You are making sales online

You are growing your business and making more money than you were before...


A huge difference, right?

To discover how to attract your perfect client, build a relationship with them and turn them into a paying client on autopilot,
book a call with me and I'll explain how to put a PERFECT CLIENT ATTRACTION FUNNEL in place in your business: 

© Copyright 2021-2023Sarah Cox Marketing