Get Leads and Customers on Autopilot Funnels

Done For You

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What is a Lead  Capture Funnel?

The purpose of the Lead Capture Funnel is to attract your perfect clients to you and capture their contact details in exchange for something for free which is of value to them and then to encourage them to book a call with you, where you sell your services. 

You will have fully automated, bespoke process and system in place to attract the right people to you and turn your leads into customers, so you can generate a lot more income and free up your time to focus on growing your business. 

What's Included:

✚  Funnel Foundations Strategy session.  This is an in-depth 2 hour zoom session to gain clarity on your vision for your                        business, the journey your customers go on with you, who you serve, what they need your support with, how you support            them  and what results you promise them. We map out your first funnel, including the free download to offer in exchange              for their contact details and next steps, i.e. call with you

✚ Create, design and write the copy for your bespoke, tailor-made Landing page for the free download to capture the contact           details of your ideal clients

✚ Create, design and write the copy for the bespoke Thank You page outlining next steps for a call after they give their details           to receive the free download

✚ Set up your calendar booking system

✚ Set up, create and write a bespoke 6-7 email series to deliver the free download and welcome your leads to your business           plus provide them with valuable content

✚ Setup, create and write a bespoke follow up email series for 1) those who opt in but don't book a call straight away to                     encourage them to do so and 2) an email to confirm their booking and notify you when they do book in

✚ Progress emails/calls with you whilst the funnel is being built to get your feedback and input into the pages and emails

✚ Review call to go through the funnel once it is built and discuss the launch

✚ Follow up call after it has been running for a couple of weeks to see how well it is converting and consider if any tweaks need       to be made

Optional Extra not included in the above:

✚ Text messaging system set up and automation to send texts as well as emails to your prospects/customers

The Lead  Conversion Funnel

The purpose of the Lead Conversion Funnel is to convert your ideal clients from leads into customers so they pay you for at least one of your products or services. It includes:

✚ Funnel Foundations Strategy session.  This is an in-depth 2 hour zoom session to gain clarity on your vision for your business, the journey your customers go on with you, who you serve, what they need your support with, how you support them and what results you promise them. We map out your sales funnel, including deciding which products/services to offer at different stages of their journey with you

✚ Create, design and write the copy for the Sales page to promote your product/service to your ideal clients 

✚ Create and design the order form so they can buy the product/service  

✚ Create, design and write the copy for the Thank You page confirming their purchase and advising them of next steps. 

✚ Set up the e-commerce order process, which enables payments to be taken

✚ Integrate Sales page with Order Form and Email Marketing system 

✚ Set up, create and write 4 email series to
            1)Promote the product to the leads
            2) Encourage those who visit the sales page but don't buy to buy
            3) Encourage those who go to the order form but don't complete the order to buy
            4) Thank and deliver to those who purchase the product.

✚ Progress calls with you whilst the funnel is being built to get your feedback and input into the pages and emails

✚ Review call to go through the funnel once it is built

✚ Follow up call after it has been running for a couple of weeks to see how well it is converting and consider if any tweaks need to be made

Optional Extras:

✚ Text messaging system set up and automation to send texts as well as emails to your prospects/customers

Additional Sales Pages, Order Forms, Thank You pages if you are selling more than one product/service

© Copyright 2021 Sarah Cox Marketing